Women’s Concealed Carry

Women's concealed carry

There are different considerations for concealed carrying based on your body type, and this 3-hour female only class takes that into consideration. In this class the students will develop their mindset around conceal carrying as well as learn about the different carry positions, Washington State use of deadly force, Washington carry laws, and drawing from a holster. The live-fire portion of the class will focus on drawing quickly and safely under instructor supervision.

PLEASE NOTE: Holsters MUST cover the trigger guard and be a proper fit for your firearm but all forms of carry are permitted.

Make sure you have everything you need for the class before class day, the requirements are as follows:

  • Sturdy belt

  • Holster

  • Minimum 50 rounds of ammunition

  • Eye and Ear protection (provided by Sharpshooting)

If you have questions about what holsters are acceptable for this class please email Training@sharpshooting.net or give us a call at 509-535-4444.

This class does not teach you to Load, Unload or Fire a handgun, if any of those skills are foreign to you we would recommend you take the Basic Handgun, Women & Guns and/or Handgun Marksmanship before taking this class.